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> Er... which one is it now? If they support customers with urgent pharmacy needs, the stores can't be completely shuttered?

I guess customers can still go to another pharmacy.

I recently compared the number of Jobs on Glassdoor in the beginning 2023 and 2024. Flutter had one of the largest declines among of all the tech.

Apple argued they are separate platforms, and got around the EU requirements with that. So there are no third-party app stores and browser engines on the iPad available yet. Until now, that is.

You can also provide pointers to base classes, but, unless you do some heroics, you are forced to use virtual functions.

I would like to see something that records your keystrokes and gives you stats on what you type the most. Then spits out a keyboard arrangement to start from.

Not sure how you'd get around it being a huge security risk? Maybe only write totals for keypresses every 30 minutes?

If you think of the shell as a REPL and an iterative environment, the first variant has many benefits. The first two parts, might be an attempt to see 'can I write a regex to remove the parts we need to get rid of?. I had better run it first, to see it catches the ones I intended. Oops two times in a row, that one didn't catch them all, and that one would include some of those we MUST keep'.

I often do the same with SELECT/DELETE on production databases, so I can visually inspect what I'm about to destroy. Transactions don't help me, because if I haven't verified that I'm correct, I won't know that I should use ROLLBACK.

You can still ask and get those AFAIK.

Haven’t been on Twitter in a while - is it actually dead or no? Seems like most ML stuff is active on Twitter

With substantially less market power than "the Federal government on behalf of all of Medicare", and with the knowledge that the Feds will bail them out when costs are high.


> The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that negotiated prices will reduce Medicare spending on drugs subject to negotiation, translating into nearly $100 billion in federal savings between 2026 and 2031.

While this article points out some potential problems in the methods used to derive that headline political figure, its own methodology seems to have pretty serious flaws. The most I'd take from this is "This is such a bad problem that even when you try pretty hard to look in the wrong place you find it anyway".

This study deliberately does not - just for example - count it as a "medical bankruptcy" if you weren't hospitalized. So magically every person who was bankrupted by the cost of their must-take prescription medicine, they don't count because they need to be admitted to hospital to count for this study.

Following up, over 2 days have passed since opening my ticket with SquareSpace support (after waiting 72 hours for DNS), and I have not received a single reply.

I've edited DNS records for multiple domains that have not propagated at all.

As far as I can tell, it looks like there are major system-wide issues with SquareSpace domain's DNS records propagation. Doesn't seem like it works at all.

Can ANYONE in this thread confirm they've have DNS records propagate correctly after a domain was transferred from Google -> SquareSpace?

A solar cycle takes around 11 years and is about to be completed in 2025. In the end of the cycle (2025) the magnetic poles flip and until then the tension builds up leading to increased activity on the sun which can potentially harm us.

Fun fact after we make it tru 2025 and the sun activity should be less, obviously it will be our good efforts to combat climate change which did it.

Don't like them, as they invent the wheel and try to teach new controls, although there are already tools built in to the system, so I just don't notice actually.

On PC I use Home button, scroll bar and, as mentioned in another comment, tap to the top of the screen on ios

Aren't iOS and iPadOS essentially the same thing?

> little thought given to privacy and security

They do think about privacy, they just want you to have none.

Indeed, selling ads like this directly is the old school way of doing it.

But even on YouTube it's back nowadays, most YouTubers get their money from sponsorships which work just the same as old-school pre-internet ad placement.

I've messed with a few. I really like Apache Echarts if you're looking for an all-in-one-can-do-anything solution with a good license. The downsides are that the docs can sometimes be a little obtuse. There are adapters for almost every front-end at this point.

Nivo is a much simpler system that is styled by default and works much easier with React. If you're not doing complicated charts, it's my goto for the "I just want a nice line/pie/bar chart".

The ol "If you aren't breaking the law you have nothing to hide" in a different form.

Anyone who believes there is going to be anything left resembling free societies in 50 years is basically a complete fool.

The problem with these things is they stack on each other and we never go backwards. Any single aspect is not a problem so much and someone will argue the merits of why it is a good idea.

The system this builds though is total insanity.

You're not from the UK are you?

It seems clear you've never heard it used or how it's used there.

If you are and you have then it would seem you're arguing in bad faith.

It's a slur on character as two people of clearly the same race, age, and gender could overwhelmingly be voted as one Gammon, one not.

It's about a cetrain shoutiness and empire centric values and attitude.

I've seen a lot of Chris Rock and your opinion notwithstanding that doesn't easily apply here.

148 doesn't feel too far removed from the visible spectrum, but it's in the wrong direction for animals to make use of it. I'm no biologist, but I'd be shocked if there were any animals that had adapted sensitivity to a type of radiation that they are never exposed to in nature. The sun doesn't really emit much UV-C light:


and the light that is emitted is absorbed by the atmosphere:


It's useful to be able to see a little UV-A, perhaps, and very useful for predators to see 'heat' into the IR range, but if your eyes were sensitive to 148nm, the world would be pretty dark.

Maybe after a few million years, in the grinding dust in the back of my shop, something will evolve that has a symbiotic relationship to arc welders...

> Do you think there's any danger in handing over absolute power to whomever just claims to have a superior morality?

At any point in time there are always multiple entities claiming to have a superior morality. There is also always an entity with absolute power. So both points are moot and this question is moot as well.

> Didn't Andruil get sent of after a while anyway?

I would assume people like a project that is lead in a way that the community doesn't have to make ad-hoc interventions to undo decisions they think are bad.

And this is where the power dynamics come into play. There is leadership that assumes it has the power to take certain sponsorship. So the community does not want that entity to have absolute power, it actually wants that entity not to have power. So now there is a power struggle for absolute power. The community would like to get absolute power so it can just make decisions about military sponsorships beforehand. The current power holders want to keep absolute power and take whatever sponsorships they want.

I don't think open source ethics prescribe you have to fork a project instead of taking it over. Common courtesy from the current power holders would be step down, or common courtesy doesn't actually mean anything "you know".

It's up to whomever will be in power to decide where the line of ethics is drawn. I certainly hope they would consult a broader audience to see if they line up with the community. If you think github and Microsoft should be dropped as well I would implore to make that case.

It's interesting that you think there are other unethical organizations involved with Nix while at the same time arguing that the current leadership should remain. If I think something is unethical I argue against it instead of for it. In case I find myself on the unethical side of an issue I try to see if there is a higher ethical standard that I hold that trumps that one instead of arguing that the unethical thing is good.

A non-twitter link, and the bill itself: https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/bill/C-63/first-r...

Maybe not a part of language per se but they throw out corba in java 11 and this decimated some very old libraries that used is as dependency.

My first "major" program was a ASCII art based Super Mario Bros clone in Turbo Pascal from 2005. I don't have it anymore, but since Turbo Pascal hasn't changed and text terminals haven't changed, I'm pretty sure it still works.

I think the author is always creating a certain type of application where db -> web server -> web page latency and throughput don't cause any performance problems. My main point is, don't assume that all applications are the same. Know when you are in new territory and the old heuristics don't apply.

I'm triggered by context free "I usually find that..." and "In my experience..." assertions.

I'm not taking anything away from, Rust, it is a great language for CLI developer tooling. But in fairness you'll find a plethora of tooling written in all popular languages these days. This is also true for a great deal of "uncool" languages too, like Perl.

I also think newer languages benefit from the fact that CLI developer tooling is a great "hello world" type project to work on. Such projects solve a very real problem that someone starting out in that language wants to solve, while also often being simple enough problem to learn that language in.

That the private operators of part D were always free to negotiate prices is most of the point.

Nice to see this happen! When this was attempted with trapped ions, I and my colleagues at GaTech were the first to trap and laser cool Th(232) 3+


I think you're missing the fact that USA, as a very rich country, tends to subsidize drugs for everyone. Your cost is artificially lower as ours is artificially higher.

The only way to make it cheaper in the US is to make your pay more.

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